Monday, March 15, 2010

ARTISTS FOR AIDS new team effort

A new AIDS walk team is forming in Syracuse; ARTISTS FOR AIDS. This team consists of Makeup Artists, Photographers, Hair Stylists, Models, Event Planners, and Designers. We are joining together to raise funds and show our support to people living with HIV/AIDS in our community. AIDS Community Resources holds the annual walk at Beaver Lake.
Many people don't realize that Syracuse has the 2nd highest infected population in the State on NY. New York State has the highest in the country. And we just thought our taxes were the highest. This is one time we don't want to be number 1.
I thought getting together a group that has ties in many ways, but may not know each other very well might be a fun way to help others while helping our businesses as well. I would love to have more photographers know that I exist as a makeup artist, it only helps build my business and give their business a better view from the eye of the client. I love to meet new hair stylists as I often have brides inquire about having hair done on-site. Models & photographers obviously benefit from knowing each other as well.
Let me know your thoughts & I would love to have you join!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great, Holly! How do we sign up?

    Janet Lee Photography
